What are highly allocated products?

Highly allocated products are:

  • Available on a very temporary basis, sometimes only once a year.
  • Are not listed products or special order products.
  • Are highly limited in supply.

Highly allocated products are rarely supplied in quantities to meet demand from licensees. The supplier determines how many bottles the state receives. The Division has a process to make sure all licensees have equal opportunity to purchase these products.

Highly allocated process

This is open to all Class "E" licensees. These are grocery, liquor, & convenience stores who order products directly from the state. Licensees must sign up to take part.

How it works

Retailers who have signed up will see any highly allocated products available to purchase when they log into their Shop Portal account. Class "E" licensees interested in purchasing specific highly allocated product(s) must add these product(s) to their cart. Highly allocated products must be ordered separately from other products. The next step is to check out on the Shop Portal prior to the deadline β€” Thursday at 1:00pm.

The Division prepares a list of bottles requested by licensees.

What happens if there aren’t enough bottles to go around?

If retailers order more bottles than available, we first try to meet demand by limiting quantities to each retailer on the list. If reducing the quantity does not satisfy demand, the product will be subjected to a lottery. The lottery utilizes an electronic randomizer to be fair and impartial.

Important reminder to participants

If you express interest and your store number is chosen in the lottery, you cannot refuse the product nor can you return the product. Review the Division's return policy.

Sign up for the Highly Allocated Program