Retailer Licensing Information
Lottery tickets bring customers into retail locations and create excitement when players win! In addition, retailers receive a valuable revenue stream in commissions for selling lottery tickets.
How to Become an Iowa Lottery Retailer
Businesses that sell Iowa Lottery products must be licensed by the lottery. Access GovConnectIowa to apply for a lottery license.
Here are steps to help you get started with your lottery application.
Step 1: Create a GovConnectIowa logon
See Accessing Tax Accounts on GovConnectIowa - Sign up for GovConnectIowa.
Step 2: Access an existing Sales and Use tax account or register a new business
See Accessing Tax Accounts on GovConnectIowa - Getting started with access.
Step 3: Apply for a lottery license
Once you've gained access, you'll see a summary page with the details for your business. Click the "I Want To …" tab, to advance to a page with various options on the GovConnectIowa site.

Click the "Apply for a New License or Permit" in the Business Registration panel to access the Iowa Lottery license application.
You'll pay the $25 application fee for a lottery license electronically through GovConnectIowa using a bank account or credit card.
As you complete the lottery application, make particular note of the email address you provide for the License Representative. A confirmation email will be sent to that email address verifying that the person has submitted an application to the lottery and confirming that further response will be received from the lottery within the next business day.
What's Next?
For more information about GovConnectIowa, including important dates, how-to-information, and other educational resources, visit GovConnectIowa Help.
If you have questions about the lottery licensing process, contact the lottery.