Pursuant to Executive Order 10, the Iowa Department of Revenue will be reviewing its existing Administrative Rules in accordance with the schedule below. More information about Executive Order 10 is available on the Department of Management’s website.

List items for Executive Order 10

Also pursuant to Executive Order 10, during this time any new rulemakings that are not part of the phased review described above are subject to certain additional requirements, including in some instances the completion of a regulatory analysis as well as a public hearing on that regulatory analysis. Relevant regulatory analysis and information about the public hearings are provided below.

Settlement Authority - Final Regulatory Analysis
A public hearing was held September 13, 2023. No public comments were received during the hearing nor in writing. No changes from the analysis published August 23, 2023, have been made.

Employer Child Care Tax Credit - Final Regulatory Analysis
A public hearing was held May 7, 2024. No public comments were received during the hearing, nor in writing.

Valuation Determination of Agricultural Property - Final Regulatory Analysis
A public hearing was held September 24, 2024. No public comments were received during the hearing, nor in writing.