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What is the Automatic Renewal Program?
The Automatic Renewal Program allows holders of a class “E” retail alcohol license (LE), a distiller’s/vintner’s/brewer’s certificate of compliance (CD/CV/CB), or a wine direct shipper permit (DS) to automatically renew their license, certificate, or permit annually without approval by the local authority (if applicable) or the Division upon payment of the annual renewal fee.
Back to topHow do I enroll in the Automatic Renewal Program?
Enrollment is done by logging in to the eLAPS licensing system and manually filling out a renewal application beginning 70 days from the expiration date of your license, certificate, or permit. You can also enroll at the time you file an application for a new license, certificate, or permit.
On the application will be the option to agree to the terms and conditions of the Automatic Renewal Program, give the Division consent to enroll your license, certificate, or permit in the program, and save a payment method (credit card or bank account) to be used for automatic payment of the annual renewal fee.
Enrollment eligibility will be determined by the local authority (class “E” retail alcohol licensees only) and the Division.
Back to topWhen does automatic renewal occur?
After initial enrollment in the program, automatic renewal will begin with the next licensing term.
You will receive a reminder email 70 days from the expiration date of your license, certificate, or permit. This will be your opportunity to update your saved payment information as well as any criminal history violations, if necessary.
At 50 days from the expiration date of your license, certificate, or permit, payment for the annual renewal fee will be automatically collected from your saved payment method. If the payment is successful, your license, certificate, or permit will be automatically renewed and you will receive your renewed license, certificate, or permit by email.
If your payment is not successful, you will receive a notification by email that your license, certificate, or permit has been unenrolled from the Automatic Renewal Program. You will be required to manually submit a renewal application and resubmit payment for the annual renewal fee.
Back to topCan I unenroll from the Automatic Renewal Program?
Yes. You may unenroll from the program up to 51 days prior to the expiration date of your license, certificate, or permit. By unenrolling from the program, you will be required to log in to the eLAPS licensing system and manually submit a renewal application and payment for the annual renewal fee.
If you do not unenroll before 50 days prior to the expiration date of your license, certificate, or permit, your renewal will automatically process and payment for the annual renewal fee will be automatically collected.
Once payment has been successfully processed, you will receive an email notification. At this time, you may unenroll from the program so that during the next licensing term you will be required to log in to the eLAPS licensing system and manually submit your renewal application and payment for the annual renewal fee.
Back to topWhat events automatically unenroll me from the Automatic Renewal Program?
You will be automatically unenrolled from the Automatic Renewal Program if any of the following events have occurred during the license term:
- A suspension, revocation, or civil penalty has been issued for your license, certificate, or permit.
- An administrative proceeding is pending against your license, certificate, or permit.
- A violation of Iowa Code chapter 123 has occurred.
- A payment for a liquor order from the Division has been dishonored (class “E” retail alcohol licensees only).
- Your licensed premises is no longer a safe and proper place conforming to all applicable federal, state, and local laws.
- There are outstanding tax reports or tax payments due (wine direct shipper permittees only).
Additionally, the local authority with jurisdiction over a class “E” retail alcohol licensee may unenroll the license from the Automatic Renewal Program up to 51 days from the expiration date of the license.
If you are unenrolled from the Automatic Renewal Program for any of the reasons listed above, you will receive notification by email. You will then be required to log in to the eLAPS licensing system and manually submit a renewal application and payment for the annual renewal fee.
Back to topDoes unenrollment from the Automatic Renewal Program mean my license, certificate, or permit renewal is denied?
No. Unenrollment from the automatic renewal program means that you will be required to manually submit a renewal application and payment for the annual renewal fee. The local authority (if applicable) and the Division will review the renewal application and determine whether to approve or deny the renewal.
A step-by-step guide is available showing how to complete all of the actions described above.
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