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NOTE: β When privileges are added after the license effective date, fees are prorated and not refundable.
Back to topLiving Quarters Permit
Applicable to: all license types
See Authority: Iowa Code Β§123.30
Separates private living quarters from the licensed premises; protects licensee/permittee from warrantless searches of living quarters.
When living quarters are accessible from the inside of a licensed premises, a licensee must file for a "living quarters permit" with the Division. This permit separates the licensed establishment from the residence and protects the resident from legal searches without a warrant. Law enforcement officials must have a search warrant before they can search any private living quarters.
All alcohol inventory must be stored on the licensed premises and cannot be stored in the residence. The words βliving quartersβ will be printed on the license.
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Outdoor Service Areas
Applicable to: all license/permit classes
See Authority: IAC 185.4(13)
Allows the selling/serving of alcoholic beverages permitted by the licensee/permittee in a designated, adjacent outdoor area.
Designated outdoor service areas are extensions of the licensed premises. Outdoor service areas are not licensed separately. Licensees can sell or serve alcoholic beverages in an outdoor service area only if meeting licensing requirements.
Applications for outdoor service areas must be submitted online through the eLAPS licensing system. The licensee's insurance carrier must certify that dramshop liability insurance covers the outdoor service area. A sketch of the outdoor service area showing boundaries and its relationship to the licensed premises (the area must be adjacent to the premises) must be submitted to, and approved by, the local authority.
Note: Local authorities can approve or deny an application for an outdoor service area. Denials can be appealed to the Division.
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Special Class "A" Beer Permit (Brewpub)
Iowa law allows class βCβ or special class βCβ retail alcohol license holders to obtain a special class βAβ beer permit (brewpub).
A special class βAβ beer permit allows for the manufacture of beer (no more than 6.25% alcohol by volume (ABV)), high alcoholic content beer (more than 6.25% but not more than 19% ABV), and canned cocktails (alcoholic liquor-based beverages packaged in a metal can no more than 15% ABV.
The manufactured beer and canned cocktails may be sold at retail for on- or off-premises consumption from the brewpub's licensed premises. Beer and canned cocktails must be sold to licensed wholesalers for resale to other retail licensees.
The special class βAβ beer permit expires when the corresponding class βCβ or special class βCβ retail alcohol license expires and must be renewed each year. The annual fee for a special class βAβ beer permit is $300.
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