When do these changes take effect?
July 1, 2022. Changes for registration will be made for July 1, and taxpayers will need to file the new sales and use return on or before August 31, 2022 for tax collected in July.
I have only a sales tax permit number today. Do I need to do anything to my account?
No. File the new return under your existing permit number according to your updated filing frequency provided by the Department.
I have only a consumer’s use permit number today. Do I need to do anything to my account?
No. File the new return under your existing permit number according to your updated filing frequency provided by the Department.
I have only a retailer’s use permit number today. Do I need to do anything to my account?
No. File the new return under your existing permit number according to your updated filing frequency provided by the Department. Please review whether you are required to collect and remit sales tax rather than use tax. See the Remote Sellers page for more information about prior law changes impacting sales tax collection obligations.
I have sales and a consumer’s use permit numbers today. Do I need to do anything to my accounts?
No. The Department will merge your sales and consumer’s use tax accounts so that you file both tax types on one return under your existing sales tax permit number according to your updated filing frequency provided by the Department.
I have multiple sales tax or retailer’s use permits today. Do I need to do anything to my accounts?
No. If you actively file on multiple permits because you prefer to do so, you may continue filing for those returns. However, please review whether you are required to collect and remit sales tax rather than use tax. See the Remote Sellers page for more information about prior law changes impacting sales tax collection obligations.
I collect hotel and motel, automobile rental, or construction equipment excise taxes. What do I need to do?
Nothing. Continue filing your return under your sales tax permit number. These excise taxes must be remitted on a monthly basis regardless of the amount of tax collected.
I collect water service excise tax. What do I need to do?
Nothing will change for your water service excise tax permit or the water service excise tax return. You will file your water service excise tax return on either a monthly or annual basis based on your total sales and use tax and water service excise tax collected per year. This means if you collect $1,200 or more in sales, use, or water service excise tax in a calendar year, you must file your water service excise tax return and pay that tax monthly.
Regarding electronic file and pay mandate: what happens if you make a payment by paper check or in person at the Department of Revenue office?
Payment made in the wrong manner or form may incur a penalty according to Iowa Code section 421.27. If you are assessed a penalty and want to request it be waived, complete the Penalty Waiver Request (78-629).
Do taxpayers need to do anything with their accounts?
No. The Department will make any adjustments to taxpayers’ accounts automatically.
How will people find their current filing frequency & requirements?
The Department will send notices by mail to every taxpayer to notify them of new filing and payment requirements. These notices will be available to view in your GovConnectIowa account under View Letters. If you do not receive a notice from the Department, you may need to update the address we have on file for you. You can update that information using the Business Change Form (92-033).
How can I file my tax returns and make payments?
File your tax returns electronically with GovConnectIowa. Need help? The GovConnectIowa Help page has resources and tutorial videos to help get started, file returns, and make payments. If you do not yet have a GovConnectIowa logon or don’t have access to your tax accounts, you also have the option to Quick Pay using the Make a Payment link on the GovConnectIowa homepage.
What if I want to change my filing frequency?
Taxpayers who are under the annual filing threshold of $1,200 in sales or use tax collected in a calendar year may request to file and pay monthly. Taxpayers who meet or exceed the annual filing threshold must file monthly. You can request an update to your filing frequency by logging into your GovConnectIowa account and submitting the Change Filing Frequency request available under the Manage Tax Accounts section on the I Want to… tab or by completing the Business Change Form (92-033).
What if I’m getting correspondence but my business is closed and I don’t need a permit anymore?
You’re receiving mail correspondence because you have an active permit on file with the Department. If you do not need the permit, complete and submit the Business Cancellation Form (92-034).
Will there still be seasonal filing?
Yes. Taxpayers that need to collect and remit sales tax for 4 months or less every year may request to register as a seasonal filer. These taxpayers are expected to file for the months they choose every year until they notify the Department they have changed or closed their business.
What if I am required to file my return electronically, but I am unable to do so?
A taxpayer required to file a sales and use tax return electronically who is unable to do so may request permission from the Director to file a return by paper. Requests must include proof of the inability to file electronically. Requests must be mailed to:
ATTN: Director of Iowa Department of Revenue
Iowa Department of Revenue
PO Box 10456
Des Moines IA 50306-0456