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Licenses and permits are issued as specified by Iowa law. License classifications fall into three main categories – retail, wholesale, and manufacture/import. Although seasonal licenses are available in certain classifications, most licenses expire one year from the date of issuance.
Back to topRetail — On-Premises
List items for Retail — On-Premise
Allows commercial establishments to sell alcoholic liquor, wine, and beer for on-premises consumption. Allows carry-out sales of liquor, wine, beer, and mixed drinks or cocktails. A Brewpub sub-permit (Special Class “A” beer permit) may be added.
It is the sole retail option for native distilleries, and one of the retail options for native breweries and native wineries.
Authority: IC § 123.30
- Alcohol types: Liquor, Wine, Beer
- Available durations: 12-month, 8-month, 14-day, 5-day
- 12-month licenses can be renewed annually.
- Optional Privileges: Outdoor Service, Living Quarters, Catering (12 Month Licenses Only)
- Required Documents
- Proof of Control of Property
- Sketch of Premises
- If a Brewpub (Special Class A Beer Permit - Sub-premit) - See Brewpub Required Documents under manufacturers.
Allows commercial establishments to sell wine and beer for on-premises consumption. Allows carry-out sales of wine and beer. A Brewpub (Special Class “A” Beer Permit) sub-permit may be added. It is a retail option for native breweries.
Authority: IC § 123.30
- Alcohol types: Wine, Beer
- Available durations: 12-month, 8-month, 14-day, 5-day
- 12-month licenses can be renewed annually.
- Optional Privileges: Outdoor Service, Living Quarters
- Required Documents
- Proof of Control of Property
- Sketch of Premises
- If a Brewpub (Special Class A Beer Permit - Sub-premit) - See Brewpub Required Documents under manufacturers.
Allows non-profit clubs to sell alcoholic liquor, wine, and beer for on-premises consumption only; no carry-out sales. Sales are restricted to members and guests only, not the general public.
Authority: IC § 123.30
- Alcohol types: Liquor, Wine, Beer
- Available durations: 12-month, 8-month, 14-day, 5-day
- 12-month licenses can be renewed annually.
- Optional Privileges: Outdoor Service, Living Quarters
- Required Documents
- Proof of Control of Property
- Sketch of Premises
Allows railroads, air common carriers, and passenger-carrying boats or ships operating inland or on boundary waters to sell alcoholic liquor, wine, and beer for on-premises consumption only. No carry-out sales.
Authority: IC § 123.30
- Alcohol types: Liquor, Wine, Beer
- Available durations: 12-month, 8-month, 14-day, 5-day
- 12-month licenses can be renewed annually.
- Optional Privileges: Living Quarters
- Required Documents
- Proof of Control of Property
- Sketch of Premises
Allows the holder to sell native wine and beer for on- or off-premises consumption. It is a retail option for native wineries.
Authority: IC § 123.30 as amended by House File 677
- Alcohol types: Native Wine, Beer
- Available durations: 12-month, 5-day
- 12-month licenses can be renewed annually.
- Optional Privileges: Outdoor Service, Living Quarters
- Required Documents:
- Proof of Control of Property
- Sketch of Premises
- Optional Privileges: Outdoor Service. Living Quarters
Allows an authorized non-profit entity to auction beer, alcoholic liquor, and wine during an event which raises funds solely to be used for educational, religious, or charitable purposes. Also allows an authorized non-profit entity to host a charity event and serve alcoholic beverages using another business's retail alcohol license.
The permit is valid for 36 consecutive hours, and the authorized non-profit entity may receive up to two permits per calendar year.
Authority: IC §123.173A
- Alcohol types: Liquor, Wine, Beer
- Available durations: Up to 36 consecutive hours
- Optional Privileges: None
- Required Documents:
- Proof of Control of Property
- Written Agreement from Licensee Covering Premises (Charity Event Only)
Retail — Off-Premises
List items for Retail — Off-Premise
Allows for the sale of beer and wine for off-premises consumption. No sales by the drink. Also allows limited wholesale sales to on-premises class "C", special class "C", "D", and "F" retail alcohol licensees but must have a TTB Federal Wholesale Basic Permit.
Authority: IC § 123.30
- Alcohol types: Wine, Beer
- Available durations: 12-month
- 12-month licenses can be renewed annually.
- Optional Privileges: Outdoor Service, Living Quarters
- Required Documents:
- Proof of Control of Property
- Sketch of Premises
- TTB Federal Wholesale Basic Permit (if wholesaling beer and/or wine)
Allows for the sale of alcoholic liquor, wine, and beer for off-premises consumption. No sales by the drink. Also allows wholesale sales to on-premises class "B", "C", special class "C", "D", and "F" retail alcohol licensees but must have a TTB Federal Wholesale Basic Permit. Also allows for limited wholesale sales of beer and wine to on-premises class "C", special class "C", "D", and "F" retail alcohol licensees.
Authority: IC § 123.30
- Alcohol types: Alcoholic Liquor, Wine, and Beer
- Available durations: 12-month
- 12-month licenses can be renewed annually.
- Eligible for automatic renewal.
- Optional Privileges: Outdoor Service, Living Quarters
- Required Documents:
- Proof of Control of Property
- Sketch of Premises
- TTB Federal Wholesale Basic Permit (if wholesaling liquor, wine, or beer)
- Bond Required: Class "E" Retail Alcohol License Bond ($5,000)
Allows for the sale of Iowa native wine for off-premises consumption. No sales by the drink.
Authority: IC §123.31C
- Alcohol types: Native Wine
- Available durations: 12-month
- 12-month licenses can be renewed annually.
- Optional Privileges: Outdoor Service, Living Quarters
- Required Documents:
- Proof of Control of Property
- Sketch of Premises
List items for Manufacturing/Wholesaling/Importing
Allows for the manufacture and sale of native wine at wholesale to licensed retailers and to other wine wholesalers (in and out of state). Also allows for the sale of native wine at retail at the winery for off-premises consumption.
For information on additional locations, see additional location.
Authority: IC § 123.176
- Alcohol types: Native Wine
- Available durations: 12-month
- 12-month licenses can be renewed annually.
- Optional Privileges: Outdoor Service, Living Quarters
- Required Documents:
- Proof of Control of Property
- Sketch of Premises
- Zoning Letter
- TTB Wine Basic Permit
- Bond Required: Wine Bond ($5,000)
Allows a manufacturer, vintner, bottler, importer, or vendor to ship wine into Iowa for resale by licensed wine wholesalers.
Authority: IC §123.180
- Alcohol types: Wine
- Available durations: 12-month
- 12-month licenses can be renewed annually.
- Eligible for automatic renewal.
- Optional Privileges: None
- Required Documents:
- TTB Wine or Wholesale Basic Permit
Allows for the manufacture of native distilled spirits for sale to the Division and customers outside of the state. Also allows for the limited sale of native distilled spirits at retail at the native distillery for off-premises consumption.
Authority: IC §123.43A
- Alcohol types: Liquor
- Available durations: 12-month
- 12-month licenses can be renewed annually.
- Optional Privileges: Outdoor Service, Living Quarters
- Required Documents:
- Proof of Control of Property
- Sketch of Premises
- Zoning Letter
- TTB Distillation Basic Permit/Distilled Spirits Plant(DSP) Registration
Allows for the sale of beer, high alcoholic content beer, and canned cocktails at wholesale to licensed retailers and to other beer wholesalers (in and out of state).
Authority: IC § 123.130
- Alcohol types: Beer
- Available durations: 12-month
- 12-month licenses can be renewed annually.
- Optional Privileges: Living Quarters
- Required Documents:
- Proof of Control of Property
- Sketch of Premises
- Zoning Letter
- TTB Wholesale Basic Permit
- Bond Required: Beer Bond ($10,000)
Allows for the manufacture and sale of beer, high alcoholic content beer, and canned cocktails at wholesale to licensed retailers and other beer wholesalers (in and out of state).
Authority: IC § 123.130
- Alcohol types: Beer
- Available durations: 12-month
- 12-month licenses can be renewed annually.
- Optional Privileges: Living Quarters
- Required Documents:
- Proof of Control of Property
- Sketch of Premises
- Zoning Letter
- TTB Brewers Notice
- Bond Required: Beer Bond ($10,000)
Allows for the manufacture of beer, high alcoholic content beer, and canned cocktails on the premises for on- or off-premises consumption.
The manufactured beer and canned cocktails may be sold at retail for on- or off-premises consumption from the brewpub's licensed premises. Beer and canned cocktails must be sold to licensed wholesalers for resale to other retail licensees.
The special class "A" beer permit expires when its parent class "C" (LC) or special class "C" (BW) retail alcohol license expires and must be renewed each year.
Authority: IC § 123.130
- Alcohol types: Beer
- Available durations: 12-month
- 12-month licenses can be renewed annually.
- Optional Privileges: Outdoor Service, Living Quarters, Catering (12 Month LC Licenses Only)
- Required Documents:
- Proof of Control of Property
- Sketch of Premises
- TTB Brewers Notice
- Bond Required: Beer Bond ($10,000)
Allows a manufacturer, brewer, bottler, importer, or vendor to ship beer into Iowa for resale by licensed beer wholesalers.
Authority: IC § 123.135
- Alcohol types: Beer
- Available durations: 12-month licenses can be renewed annually
- Optional Privileges: None
- Required Documents:
- TTB Wholesale Basic Permit (or TTB Brewer’s Notice)
Allows for the sale of wine at wholesale to licensed retailers and to other wine wholesalers (in and out of state).
Authority: IC § 123.177
- Alcohol types: Wine
- Available durations: 12-month
- 12-month licenses can be renewed annually.
- Optional Privileges: Living Quarters
- Required Documents:
- Proof of Control of Property
- Sketch of Premises
- Zoning Letter
- TTB Wholesale Basic Permit
- Bond Required: Wine Bond ($5,000)
Allows for the manufacture, storage, and sale of alcoholic liquor to the Division and to customers outside of Iowa.
Authority: IC §123.41
- Alcohol types: Alcoholic Liquor
- Available durations: 12-month
- 12-month licenses can be renewed annually.
- Optional Privileges: Living Quarters
- Required Documents:
- Proof of Control of Property
- Sketch of Premises
- Zoning Letter
- TTB Distillation Basic Permit/Distilled Spirits Plant (DSP) registration
Allows a manufacturer, distiller, or importer to ship alcoholic liquor into Iowa for resale by the State of Iowa.
Authority: IC §123.23
- Alcohol types: Liquor
- Available durations: 12-month
- 12-month licenses can be renewed annually.
- Eligible for automatic renewal
- Optional Privileges: None
- Required Documents:
- TTB Distillation Basic Permit/Distilled Spirits Plant (DSP) Registration
Allows the presentation and promotion of alcoholic liquor in Iowa.
Authority: IC § 123.42
- Alcohol types: Alcoholic Liquor
- Available durations: 12-month
- 12-month licenses can be renewed annually.
- Optional Privileges: None
- Required Documents: None
List items for Shipper, Auction, & Carrier
Allows wineries to ship bottles of wine directly to consumers at their personal residence in Iowa.
Authority: IC §123.187
- Alcohol types: Wine
- Available durations: 12-month
- 12-month licenses can be renewed annually.
- Eligible for automatic renewal.
- Optional Privileges: None
- Required Documents:
- TTB Wine Basic Permit
- Home State License (for out of state wineries)
Allows the holder to purchase wine from private collections and sell the wine at auction to Iowa licensed wine wholesalers or wine retailers. No sales to private individuals.
Authority: Iowa Code chapter 123 as amended by 2024 Iowa Acts, House File 2669
- Alcohol types: Wine
- Available durations: 12-month
- 12-month licenses can be renewed annually.
- Required Documents:
- Sketch of Premises
- Proof of Control of Property
- TTB Wholesale Basic Permit
- Bond Required: Wine Bond ($5,000)
Allows a designated carrier to transport wine shipped from a wine direct shipper permit holder (DS) to a personal residence in Iowa, or to transport wine shipped from a wine auction permit holder (AP) to wine wholesalers and retailers.
Authority: IC §123.188
- Alcohol types: Wine
- Available durations: 12-month
- 12-month licenses can be renewed annually.
- Optional Privileges: None
- Required Documents: None
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