Having a license in Iowa is a personal privilege. The individual, partnership, or corporation receiving the income from the alcoholic beverages sold must have a license.
Local authorities (city councils or county boards of supervisors) and the Division must be notified of any changes in ownership. Ownership changes must be reported when the changes occur.
Explore license update applications, processes, and more.
Allows a licensed native winery to sell products for off-premises consumption only at a separate location. Tastings of wine are allowed pursuant to 185 Iowa Administrative Code section 16.7. For details see the regulatory bulletin on tastings by industry members.
Click on "Edit/Update License" under Make a Change to a License or Permit.
Look for the Class "A" Wine Permit (Native) you want to submit at he Additional Location for and click on the "Amend" button next to the application number.
Select "Additional Location" under the New Amendment Request box and then click "Next".
Click on the "Add Location" button.
Fill in the required fields and upload the file for "Attach a letter of invitation to the event".
If you have multiple dates for this request, please indicate additional dates in the "Comments" box.
Click "Add/Update Location" button when you are finished.
Complete the Attestation / Endorsement and submit the application.
Allows license to be transferred from one location to another either temporarily or permanently, only within the boundaries of the current approving local authority.
Retail alcohol licenses may be transferred from one location to another qualified location. The new location must be within the jurisdiction of the local authority that initially approved the license/permit. A license in an unincorporated area of a county may not transfer into an incorporated city in the same county. A license/permit issued by an incorporated city can only transfer to a location in the same city. Licenses/permits may not be transferred from one person to another.
Selling and serving of alcoholic beverages at the new location is limited to the transfer period approved by the local authority (city or county). The licensee/permittee can sell or serve products allowed by their license/permit, only. Sales and service at the original location must stop during the time of the license/permit transfer.
Transfers may be temporary (24 hours to 7 days) or permanent.
Applications for license/permit transfers must be submitted online. The licensee/permittee's insurance carrier must certify that the dramshop liability insurance covers the premises to which the license/permit is being transferred. A sketch of the premises must be submitted to the city council or county board of supervisors. Transfer applications must be approved by the city council or county board of supervisors. When requirements are met and approved by the Division, a letter of authorization will be sent to the local authority and the license/permit holder for a temporary transfer. When a transfer is permanent, the Division issues an amended license/permit with the new address.
Allows licensee/permittee to update the ownership or officers of their business. Supporting documents shall accompany the application to the local authority.
When ownership of an establishment changes, an ownership update application must be submitted to the local authority and the Division along with the following documents:
Corporations – Minutes of corporate meetings reflecting the resignation of officers and/or directors or the election of new personnel or copies of the transfer of shares of the corporation’s stock.
Partnerships – Proof of dissolution or a notarized affidavit from the partner leaving the partnership or an amended trade name document.
Individuals – The existing license must be canceled. The new owner must apply for a new license under his/her name.
When an ownership update application is submitted, any new individuals must complete the ownership and criminal history questions. This gives the local authority and the Division the information necessary to determine if the new applicants qualify for a license.