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I-PLEDGE Program Overview


  • Increase voluntary compliance with the state's tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor product laws through education and enforcement.
  • Prevent illegal sales of tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor products by educating retailers and increasing awareness of changes in Iowa's tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor product laws.


  • Work with Iowa Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), Division of Tobacco Use Prevention & Control to provide an effective, statewide, program to reduce the illegal sales of tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor products to minors and illegal possession of tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor products by minors.
  • Provide Iowa’s retailers with educational training in order to familiarize them with state laws and provide responsible sales techniques.
  • Perform tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor product compliance checks on each of Iowa’s approximately 3,500 tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor product permit holders at least once a year.


  • Contract with local law enforcement agencies to conduct compliance checks.
    • Participating agencies will be reimbursed on a flat fee basis of $75 lump sum per compliance check.
    • Local law enforcement officials are expected to cite clerks, as well as retailers, when conducting compliance checks.
  • Contract will provide local youth tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor product possession enforcement.
  • Local law enforcement officials are expected to cite youth in possession of tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor  products.


  • During FY23, 91 percent of Iowa retailers were in compliance with Iowa’s tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor product sales laws – 10 percent of Iowa’s retailers sold tobacco products to minors during the last round of compliance checks.
  • Studies have shown that tobacco law enforcement efforts, in conjunction with retailer education, reduce illegal sales of tobacco products to minors.

Take the I-PLEDGE to uphold tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor product laws, keep Iowa’s kids healthy and do not sell tobacco, alternative nicotine or vapor products to minors.

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I-PLEDGE Compliance and Training Reports

The I-PLEDGE program also enforces Iowa’s tobacco, alternative nicotine, and vapor laws. Studies show that education and enforcement used together reduce illegal sales to minors.

There are approximately 3,500 tobacco, alternative nicotine, and vapor product permit holders. Each business is checked for compliance at least once a year.

The Division works with law enforcement agencies to perform these compliance checks. The agencies are reimbursed $75 for each compliance check.

Retailers receive monthly notifications of compliance checks conducted at their business. Non-compliant retailers are urged to increase efforts to eliminate sales to minors.

Retailers and clerks that fail compliance checks receive a citation.

Local law enforcement officials also cite youth in possession of tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor  products.

I-PLEDGE compliance reports

At the end of each fiscal year, the Division publishes the results of education & enforcement efforts.

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