Event Details


Call to Order by Chairperson Rachel Eubank

  1. Introductions/Opening Remarks - Chairperson Rachel Eubank

  2. Approval of Agenda - ACTION ITEM - Chairperson Rachel Eubank

  3. Approval of Minutes - ACTION ITEM - Chairperson Rachel Eubank

  4. Public Comment - Chairperson  Rachel Eubank

  5. Commissioner Introductions

  6. Administrator’s Report - Administrator Stephen Larson

    1. Regulatory Compliance Update - DeMario Luttrell, Bureau Chief 

    2. Alcohol Licensing Update - Spencer Morehouse, Bureau Chief 

    3. Alcohol Operations - Leisa Bertram, Bureau Chief

    4. Alcohol Financials & Key Performance Updates - Steven French, CFO

    5. Warehouse Capacity Study - Administrator Stephen Larson

  7. Legislative Update - Tyler Ackerson, IDR Legislative Liaison

  8. Alignment Update - Director Mary Mosiman

  9. New Business - Chairperson Rachel Eubank

    1. Election of Officers

    2. Working Session Related to Roles and Responsibilities

  10. Next Meeting Date and Location - Chairperson Rachel Eubank
    Adjournment Chairperson Rachel Eubank

Registration Details

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United States: +1 (646) 749-3122
Access Code: 790-622-317