The Iowa Department of Revenue has submitted new proposed rules to the Iowa Legislature, available for public comment through July 16, 2024. 

  • Employer Child Care Tax Credit
    This proposed rulemaking implements the employer child care tax credit provided in Iowa Code section 237A.31. The tax credit is available to businesses that receive an award certificate from the Iowa Economic Development Authority and incur expenditures in Iowa that qualify for the federal employer-provided child care tax credit in Section 45F of the Internal Revenue Code. The Department is directed under Iowa Code section 237A.31 to adopt rules to administer the tax credit. The proposed rules describe how to claim and calculate the tax credit and include other restrictions and requirements. A Regulatory Analysis, including the proposed text, was published on April 17, 2024. A public hearing was held on May 7, 2024. No public comments on the Regulatory Analysis were received at the hearing or in writing. The Administrative Rules Coordinator provided preclearance for publication of this Notice of Intended Action on May 20, 2024.

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