The Department has released the following Tax Credits Evaluation Study reports on the Department's website in the Reports Index under Tax Credit Evaluations

  • Angel Investor Tax Credit
  • Historic Preservation Tax Credit
  • Retailers’ Biofuel Tax Credits, including:
    • E15 Plus Gasoline Promotion Tax Credit
    • E85 Gasoline Promotion Tax Credit
    • Biodiesel Blended Fuel Tax Credit
    • Ethanol Promotion Tax Credit
  • Wind Energy Production Tax Credit and Renewable Energy Tax Credit 

Iowa Code Section 2.48 requires the Iowa Department of Revenue to conduct evaluations of tax credits on a regular basis, with each tax credit being evaluated at least once every five years. Iowa law requires the tax credits listed above to be evaluated in 2024. Evaluations assess Iowa tax credit programs in terms of their equity, simplicity, competitiveness, public purpose, adequacy, and extent to which they achieve their legislated purpose.